Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bath and Body Works Sale!

Today was the start of the Bath and Body Works Semi Annual Sale and you can bet your butt I was there as soon as the doors opened!

I tried to not go over board my first trip in because the sale lasts 3 weeks and usually by the last week items will go even cheaper. Here is the damage I did today:

Flower Shop candle (paid $9.75), Coco Lobo candle (paid $4.75)

Coconut Lime Breeze shower gel (paid $4), Lemon Vanilla shower gel (paid $2.75)

Aruba Coconut Intense Moisture Body Cream (paid $3.50), Aruba Coconut Glowing Body Scrub (paid $3.12)

Moonlit Path Anti Bacterial Hand Soap (paid $3), Netted sponge (paid $1.75)

I went in thinking, "okay, you need to get hand soap, candles, and something coconutty" so I think I pretty much stayed to my plan except for the netted sponge which was just really cheap and I figured I hadn't replaced mine in awhile. Originally all of this crap would have cost me $86.50, so I ended up saving about $54!
 Oh, are you wondering who the cuties are in that last pic? Well my friends, let me introduce you to my baby pug Charlie and her daddy/my beau Justin. They wanted in on the pic taking and struck this pose just for you!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bikini So Teeny

I recently added a new nail polish to my collection when I came across a $2 off coupon for Essie. Behold the beautiful Bikini So Teeny from Essie's Summer 2012 collection:

This polish is a true periwinkle lavender blue. I don't have anything like this in my collection but boy or boy do I love it! I've really been into wearing a matching manicure and pedicure and this color looks lovely on the toes as well (I'll spare you the pic of my tootsies). This polish went opaque with 2 coats and the formula is really nice. The other colors in this collection are really cute too and I wouldn't mind purchases a few more for these hotter months : )

Friday, June 8, 2012


I recently saw this Tag going around and I thought it would be a fun way for you all to get to know me a little better. Now, I was not officially tagged by anyone to do this tag......But I'm doing it anyway and hopefully no one cares that I'm not following the rules ; ) Let's get started!

The Rules:

1) Post these rules

2) Post a photo of yourself & 11 random facts about you

3) Answer the questions given to you in the tagger's post 

4) Create 11 new questions & tag people to answer them

5) Go to their blog or twitter & let them know they've been tagged

11 Random Facts About Me:

1. I have 2 girl pugs named Missy and Charlie. Both are bossy. Both are crazy. Both smell like Fritos!

2. I graduated from Indiana University Bloomington in 2011 with a Bachelor's in Social Work.

3. My boyfriend and I have been dating since the first week of my freshman year in college and this summer we will celebrate our 6th year anniversary!

4. I am obsessed with the show Big Brother in the summers and one day I will convince my BF to audition with me because I have a feeling we would be an unbeatable team : )

5. I hate high heels and have no idea how anyone walks gracefully in them.

6. I LOVE youtube! It's like my TV. I watch a lot of beauty gurus...a lot...

7. I plan to go back and get my Masters in Social Work in a year or two...not looking forward to the papers and lectures, but looking forward to being able to help people more.

8. I love any magical series--Harry Potter, Sookie Stackhouse, Twilight, His Dark Materials, A Game of Thrones, etc. If it has magic in it then I'm sure to fall in love.

9. I hate leftovers! My boyfriend gets so mad at me for making meals that I won't eat more than once and then complaining there is nothing to eat...whoops!

10. My signature perfume is Daisy by Marc Jacobs.

11. I want to travel soooooo bad! Paris, Italy, Australia, Thai Land, Grand Canyon--I'm down for anywhere just put me in a plane!

11 Questions Tagged by My Classy Confessions 

1. If you could have any job in the world what would it be?
I want to be a therapist for young women dealing with mental illness and that's what I am planning to go to school for but I would also love to work for a fashion/beauty magazine like Glamour.
2. If you could live in any time period, which one would it be?
60s! Love the Mad Men style : )
3. Favorite book?
The Harry Potter series will always be my favorite thing to read but I also really loved one of Judy Blume's adult books called Summer Sisters.
4.Who is the greatest leader in history?
I can't answer this question because whenever I think of a leader I can't help but to think of all the people who paved the way for that leader. Without followers and people who have failed at attempts to lead there would be no great leaders.
5. What is your favorite childhood memory?
 Myrtle Beach with my neighbor Beth when I was 13. First time feeling independence and knowing what a true friendship was.
6. Favorite holiday and why?
My birthday! It's all about me! I seriously celebrate the whole month of April.
7. What do you day dream about?
Traveling the world with my beau.
8. If you could be any character from a movie or book who would it be and why?
Hermione Granger because she is a badass witch!
9. What is one talent you wish you had?
I would love to be a ballerina, tutus and all!
10.What is your most FAVORITE thing about yourself.
I think I am weird and quirky and I like that. I love to just be weird and funny.
11. If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?
I would probably do a lot of bad things I won't mention on here......

Finally here are my questions for you!
1. What was the last book you read and did you enjoy it?
2. What is your favorite television show or movie?
3. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
4. Who is a role model for you and why?
5. If you could have any super power what would it be?
6. Who is your celebrity crush?
7. What do you love most about your spouse?
8. What is your guilty pleasure?
9. If your life was turned into a movie, who would play you?
10. Best thrift store find or best deal you've gotten?
11. What is your signature scent?

I want to tag everyone and their brother to do this tag! Please tweet me @amberjanesmith to let me know if you did the tag. Specifically, I tag JT from Instantly Better and Estee and Aslan from Goose & Button because I think all of their answers would be very interesting....

Thursday, June 7, 2012

An Introduction

Shirt: J Crew (thrifted), Jeans: Kohls, Loafers: Gianni Bini (thrifted), Belt: Forever21

So the name is Amber Jane and this is my first post--eek! I've been following fashion/beauty/life blogs for a couple of years now and I've always thought it would be fun to do one myself but I've never fully committed to the idea. Well ladies (and gents?) I'm committing now and I can't wait to share all of my crazy ramblings with you all! 

As of now, the idea is that on this blog I'm going to share my fashion sense with hauls and outfit of the days as well as all of the beauty musings I am experimenting with and loving. There will also be quite a bit of life stuff shared on here too because I have a crazy boyfriend and two sweet fat little pugs that I loooove gushing about.

On your mark! Get set! Blog!!!